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Have you ever notice how most Mac users are skinny? It's because of all the calories they burn because they can't keep their mouth shut about how great their Macs are. What is it about Apple that makes its users unable to shut their mouths? These people preach about how much better Macs are than PCs. I’m going to keep this as introspective as possible, in classic/old school style. I have the following rebuttals on this argument:



Other people say Macintosh is a ripped-off code of Windows, but based in the true story movie "JOBS" (2013) starring Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs, -It was Bill Gates who ripped/stole the code of Mac and turned it into Windows. A typical computer user doesnt unsderstand this because it is a programmer's discernment, both OS has the same code but it quite a bit differs in GUI, for example Windows also has the "Finder" but it is embedded in MS Office for search functions, both operating system are merely identical. Which leads me to another concerning issue that if Windows is a stolen code of Mac, then why does a Mac can't do what a Windows can. Such as:
1. While opening a file from within an app, Macs can't rename, copy, move, or delete files (Cross Multi-task API)

2. Macs can't maximize a window to full screen with just a keystroke

3. Macs don't let you arrow or tab to different fields in typical dialogue boxes (like Cancel/Save)

4. Macs don't let you cut a file to paste it into another folder

5. Macs can't make an app menu live by a keyboard shortcut (like Alt on Windows)

6. Macs can't go to the beginning or end of a line with a single key combination

7. Macs can't go to the beginning or end of a document with a single key combination

8. Macs can't re-size windows by all corners and edges but only from the bottom right corner (until 10.8)

9. Macs don't tell you what operating system you have (they give #s, but not the Lion, etc., name)

10. Macs can't backspace.


So, in a programmer's side of analogy, if Mac was the original ones, THEN IT SHOULD FULLY WORK WITHOUT ANY MISSING FEATURES BUT WHY WINDOWS CAN-DO & HAS ALL THESE FEATURES, this really uncovers countless problems in mac. Typical Mac users are clueless with this, while Mac Architects are fully aware about it.


Whereas -
Making calls to iPhones and iPads from a Mac - THEN USE SKYPE!
Share files instantly with nearby Macs - USE FILE SHARING APPS!
Retrieve old versions of a file on a Mac - BACKUP THEN USE SYSTEM RESTORE!
Look up words on a Mac - USE A SOURCEFORGE DICTIONARY! (Thousands of Dictionary Apps are there, *Including Source Codes)


Creating template files for ANY app on a Mac,
creating a PDF,
Encryption of files,
Creating screencasts on a Mac & Quick Looking of Files.


These are just Pre-Added softwares in Mac, I am talking about SIMPLE BUT VERY USEFULL OS FEATURES, even an elementary grade 5 student in his/her programming class can write codes like that and embed & implement it in an Operating System (PLAIN AND SIMPLE). Although, "Apple Maps" is graphically kewl but it is just similar to google's, the iBooks & Finder Tabs Sucks, because it can be easier in scanning/accessing a string of a PRIVATE file, causing an invasion of privacy misused and can lead to exploitation, some lil' privacy concerns. (But who cares, Pres.Pnoy Aquino?)


Im not saying that Windows is better because it's cheaper, The Macintosh is just a copy of Windows and can only do everything half as good as Windows because it's just a copy. Apple tries to sell it for almost 12x the price of Windows and it works horribly. Anything Apple can do, Windows can do 3x better. Windows is the most used system and has way more options than mac. That's what everyone says, I can't remember anything Windows can do, that a Macintosh can do. Anything a Macintosh can't do, a Windows can do. Anything Windows can't do, by Macintosh can do. There is no vice-versa on it in favor of Windows.


So why purchase an expensive Mac, if you can do all the stuff in a PC/Windows. Having said that, Im not your usual Microsoft enthusiast nor an Apple, I dont even use both I just do a BETA-TESTING and the main reason is I am using a free Linux OS. I will never own a Mac It is because I'm not stylish enough to own one. Most iPod commercials feature guys with long hair, chicks roller skating, and guys wearing fedoras. I have dandruff, and I buy most of my jeans from an Ukay-Ukay garage. I feel like in order to have a Mac, I need to be: An Artist or In a Band. (lol)


After the recent Apple conference, Mac fans were joyfull. One person was quoted as saying "I've had a Macintosh now for a total of 40 days, and I'm really excited to be part of the Mac community." Part of the Mac community? WHaaaT!!? It's a computer, not a social movement! :P Quick intervention on some Apple apps, Apple is changing for the worst, you have to buy a new MacPro in order to upgrade to a higher system, sounds like Pres.Pnoy care. And let me again just say, in all caps: THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTION FOR EXPERIENCE. Otherwise you'll end up like me, exploring every operating system out there. :)


People seems to upgrade to another OS because of Graphical User Interface (GUI) in layman's term-only for the purpose of "attraction", and does not understand the technical functionality of an OS Platform. If that is the case, then why not just put a bling-bling in your Mac, go to StarBucks then try to act like a professional blogger. lol


But don't listen to anybody else who can't back up their information, migrating to another operating system is an attractive option. Buy the product you want to buy, I understand that people sometime meets their needs, And I hope those needs doesnt associate with "attraction-usage".


There is a quantum bound difference between "Working onto Something" & "SHOWING OFF!"


That is why came up with something like this, I made this program for those people who still has Windows XP SP 1, SP2 & SP3 on their old notebooks & netbooks that aren't hardware compatible with Windows Vista, 7, 8 & 64bit operating, people who are tired of seeing their blue Windows XP, So why dump your old notebook & netbook if your windows can look like the NEW Macintosh OS X. Whoaah isn't that Cool, freezingly cool right? Now you tell me what a Mac can do that a Windows cant, if you can make your Mac look like a Windows 8.1 or the later version, you're on Top of the Hill but if not, your'e just an analog ready-made template designer.



#BluePrint #FoolProof

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